Currents Event Quiz #1.2

Current Events Quiz #1.2
Short Response:
1. About 5,000 people
2. Two features you could find are a rope swing and a giant trampoline.
3. Amazon
4. Two apps you might download are Brevity and Noteledgelite
5. Waterloo Records

Long Response:
1. No, I don't have anyone effected by the storm but I do know family and friends in Houston, but they are safe. My friends and family have found a place to get them through the week until the water starts to evaporate but most of them haven't been impacted by the storm whatsoever.

2. If I knew there was a major storm about to hit my home, the step I would take is to pack necessities and head to a safer location with my family and my dog. I would also let other people know so that they could find a safer location as well, and so that the word could be spread.

3. I think the state and federal government should be responsible to fix the day to day roads the residents take as well as buildings like gas stations, offices, some damaged homes and grocery stores. If the government could take responsibility for repairing that, the lives of the people who live where the storm was effected can start getting to used to their lives again.

4. I think that the money people have donated from around the word can be responsible for paying small damages and the rest can be payed by the government because its not fair for the residents to pay for something that is not their fault. The money donated can help fix small repairs and the bigger damages can be payed by the government because their are lots more minor problems than larger, and i'm sure some residents would be willing to help.

5. I think that a small percentage of the climate change had a role in the power of the storm but I mostly believe that it didn't because Texas has experienced heavy rain before, that the climate change wouldn't have been such a big impact. Most of the power of the storm most likely came from the category four hurricane itself.
