Additional Student of the Month Interviews

Additional Student of the Month Interviews:

Friends/ Students :

1) In what way have you supported the current student of the year?
There has been many ways I have supported the current student of the year but one that really stood out to me was helping with homework that they had trouble with and buying them lunch or drinks on  stressful days.

2) What have you learned from the student of the year?
From the student of the year I learned to never give up even if the work load is higher than usual, and to be you, don't play a person you aren't.

3) What kind of changes did you see in the person after they became student of the month?
In the student of the month I realized that they have been super stressed and haven't been hanging out with friends that much but is also motivated to accomplish what is next. 

4) What from their experience inspired or motivated you?
From their experience I can take that any amount of work load is possible, and from now on I will work towards a higher goal like the student of the month did.

5) Why/ Why not would you like to become the student of the year? 
I would like to become student of the month for the opportunities and challenges but would also like 
to not be student of the month because of the amount of work in the given time. 


1) What kind of improvement have you seen in your daughter/son?
The improvement that I have seen in my child is very different than before because she is more motivated to accomplish what is given to her, and is ready to take on such a big role. 

2) What about this experience do you think effected your family?
This experience effected our family because it is minimizing the time of family as whole because she is always working and never gets the quality time to take with the family. 

3) Why do you think experiences like this are learning experiences?
I think it made my daughter realize that the real world isn't going to be all funs and games, it finally made her experience a little bot of the challenging life. 

4) Why would you/ would not recommend this to other students?
I would defiantly recommend this to other students because it will challenge you and will get to see a glimpse on what taking on a big role is like.

5) What advice do you have for future student of the month's parents?  
The advice I have is to let them to them don't bother them about family time or homework because they are just doing whats best for them.

Teachers :

1) What kind of change have you seen in the student towards his/her education?
The change I have noticed is she is more willing to get higher grades and is ready to become a stronger student.

2) What about this experience changed her behavior?
I have seen her behavior change a tiny bit because she has less time for friends and is determined and focused on accomplishing her goals.

3) What about this event motivates other students?
I think knowing anyone can be student of the month with the right mindset is inspiring other students to reach for that goal. 
