Currents Event Quiz #1.3

Currents Events Quiz #1.3
Short Response
1) 7,000 members 

2) Steve Hicks donated to the UT School because he was influenced by his life experiences and is benefited by social workers who deserve it. 

3) The curfew currently is anyone under 17 out in public or in a business between 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. are involved in a misdemeanor crime. 

4) The football team raised more than $2,000.

5) I would be interested in watching "Mother!" because one of my favorite actors are in it.

Long Response
1) It was so interesting that Mr.Trump made a deal without the support of the rest of his party leaders because the job of the ruler or president of a country is informing each other about the next steps of our country and the fact that he didn't do that shows a glimpse of what our country is slowly becoming. It also helped the residents realize the way our country is going because the leaders action are leaving people in confusion. 

2) I think what motivated Mr.Trump to reach his decision without the support of his party leaders is that Houston needs immediate help and didn't have the time. Another idea that might have motivated him is that he sees that the country is going to do better if he took matters to his own hands. 

3) I think that the GOP leaders think that Mr. Trump is not completely trustable and that it will take a while to gain that promise and wish back. I also feel like they might understand if it was an accident or an emergency that was for the benefit of Houston. 

4) I don't think that the United States will benefit from Mr. Trumps actions, in fact it will hurt the country and might bring stress to residents knowing the leader is not following the rules provided. It might also cause tension between the parties and the GOP leaders because of the untrustworthiness of Trump.
