Currents Event Quiz #1.4

Short Response:
1. Susan Collins, R-Maine, John McCain, & R-Ariz
2. 1969, during the Nixon administration
3. A device which makes reading cards quicker for thieves at gas pumps or ATMs
4. They did this so they can have the best employees and help hire new employees that will make shopping a better experience for customers.
5. Robert Baden-Powell a British army officer.

Long Response:
1.  Before I read the story about the topic, I heard from one of my teachers that this is a free country and are able to have freedom and support for every action we take. I also heard that it is a big controversy in the football league right now because of the reasons he did not stand for the American anthem and how race has to do with supporting your country.

2.  No, I don't think they should be required to stand for the anthem because to bring attention to a cause in this world by not supporting the country is fine, their are reasons why he didn't stand for the anthem. I also believe that this is a free country and he is able to do whatever he believes and supports in the US, you shouldn't be putting on a fake smile pretending to love what the country is doing if you really don't. 

3. No, I do think the NFL players should be out in the field during the anthem but it is their choice on participating in the anthem. I feel like if they stay out on the field it will draw awareness to the event and help americans realize that the country needs to change because not everyone is happy with the direction it has gone. 

4. I don't think President Trump made the proper decision to go after the subject in his twitter because it lead to more drama to the topic. The tweets created more controversy between sports and the president because the subject was not handled well, Trump has his own opinion and with everything going on the world I think it would have been better off if he didn't express them. 

5. In a way I do think race plays a role in the topic of taking a knee during the anthem because the way the world has treated people with different races has left impacts on them but others as well. To raise awareness to the topic the football players have decided to sit out because they aren't pleased of how people are handling specific races. I think this because the freedom of this world or country is not fair to all people, and over the past few months and years I have noticed this.

6. I support Colin Kaepernick in his decision because it raised awareness to the topic which helped some people realize where our country has came. By him starting the topic it has made people happier especially in specific races that aren't being treated fairly because it made them feel special to know that people do care about them even if they haven't visually seen it.  
