Interviewing Basics Assignment #1 - School Uniforms

Assignment #1 

Topic: School Uniforms
1. List three to five different sources you could interview for this topic.

  • Teachers, and staff that work at the school to get their opinion on enforcing school uniforms, and how they could handle the topic with their students. 
  • The school board because they are the one's creating the policy of enforcing the school uniforms.
  • The students who attend the school to ask about how they will adapt to the change and if they are willing to wear the school uniforms.
  • The parents of the students because they are the one's sending their kids to school as well as purchasing the uniforms.
2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source.
  1. Why do you support/ don't support the enforcing of the school uniforms?
  2. Whats your opinion on imposing the school uniform?
  3. How do you think the uniforms will change the students day to day life at school?
  4. How do you think this enforcement will work?
  5. How do you think everyone will be adapting to the new change?
  6. How will this change improve the schools?
  7. Tell me about your opinion about the school board?
  8. How might you use this enforcement as a advantage?
  9. How might you use this enforcement as a disadvantage?
  10. In what way do you think that this is necessary?
  11. In what way do you think that this is unnecessary?
  12. What advice do you have for people that are unwilling to change?
  13. What advice do you have for the people that support this decision?
  14. How is enforcing the uniforms going to change the education?
  15. How is removing what students can wear going to improve the way the teachers teach?
  16. Explain how the people who can't purchase uniforms will get through this?
  17. What would you like to add to your opinion?
  18. How do you think the behavior at school will change?
  19. What can you say to the school?
  20. Why are you willing/not willing to enforce the outfits?
