My Top Story of the Century

In 1941, the first jet airplanes flied successfully over Cranwell, England. This was the first test of an Allied aircraft using a jet engine which produced a powerful wind using the airplane up and ahead. The jets engine was designed by Frank Wittle who was a engineer and a pilot. This event occurred due to the jet propulsion which is how the planes able push and move forward. 

This was one of the most interesting event that occurs in the 1900s to me because it changed the world in many ways. It took us today by help developing the jet planes people use daily to travel places or help people get to safety when nature is rough. This jet airplane also motivated people to make more airplanes to help protect our country. Their are many reasons why this plane is interesting but the most important is how it changed us today. 

This event was when Watson and Crick discovered the double helix also knows as the DNA. They helped clarify that DNA is how genes control the chemical process within the cells. They say the double helix as a twisted- ladder structure which helps form people. This event helped change the time after that year of 1953. 

Interesting : 
This event is interesting to me because it is what have learned and to see that two amazing people discovered what use and learn in our daily lives is unbelievable. This event is important because it helped develop the science field of today, this is interesting because without DNA the answers of life would not be cleared. To conclude I find this interesting because it is what I learn in my life which is so intriguing and to see it being discovered in such early years is fascinating. 

In 1962, they sent a man to orbit the Earth and return him home safely. John Gleen became a national hero who participated in tests designed to prepare him for the challenge of all. John Gleen was picked out of all the pilots because he had one of the best tests in the country. After seven year of training he was able to orbit the earth.

I find this interesting because you can't just send a random person to earth, it took him his whole life to be called a hero. What i also found interesting was that John Gleen orbited the earth in 4 hours and 56 minutes, three times. Thus, i conclude this one of the most interesting events in 1900 because it shaped the world now by allowing us to explore more of space and help people realize it takes a long time to become a hero. 
