Student of the Month Interview

Assignment #2

Student of the Month 20 Questions

1. How do you get through your day to day challenges as student of the month?                                     
I get through my day by making sure I don't overload my work and constantly manage my time.

2. What advice do you have for all the other students who are willing to be student of the month?
Some advice I would give to the next student of the month is to try your best and to never give up. It is not easy to take on such a big role, sometimes you might feel hated on or a large amount of weight on your shoulders. 

3. What does being student of the month change your day life in high school?                                 Changes my day in high school by putting more pressure on me and more is expected for me. 

4. How would you say this improved your high school years?                                                                          This improved my year in high school by making me realize the opportunities of life after high school.

5. What about this experience did you dislike?                                                                                  
It's a lot of work to do in the certain amount of time. 

6. Why do you think is a great way to appreciate your years as a high schooler?                                       Makes me gain a positive outlook on school.

7. What would you say to the kids who have already been student of the month?                              
I would say congratulations, and now I finally understand that it's harder than it looks.

8. What's your opinion on pursuing the community and foundation of student of the month?                  My opinion is on taking on the community is it's a big responsibility but fun and worth it. 

9. How do you feel about taking on such a big role?                                                                                
I feel excited and nervous all at the same time on taking on such a big role. 

10. How do you become student of the month?                                                                                           To become student of the month you have to work hard in your classes and do extra curricular activities. 

11. What's the hardest part about getting to the place you are right now?                                                      The hardest part is the competition between the other students.

12. What's the easiest part about getting to the place you are right now?                                             
The easiest part is having fun and just to be myself. I would also say the easiest part was sleeping at night. 

13. What will you take from the experience?                                                                                       
I will take the opportunity to meet new people and getting good grades and also to keep a positive outlook on life.

14. What inspired you to take on the role?                                                                                                 The person who inspired me to take on the roll is my mom because she was student of the month in high school. 

15. How has this impacted your life?                                                                                                           This has impacted my life by making me feel more accomplished and makes it look good on college applications. 

16. What has the support from friends and family been like?                                                                       The support has been super supportive. They are proud and hope for the best for me.

17. What do your teachers think of you now verses before?                                                                          They anticipate more from me then they did before but they also see a bright future in me.

18. How have you considered on doing bigger things that motivated you from this one?                         I've considered on becoming bigger thing by achieving little steps to get there.    

19. What about your month did you enjoy the most?                                                                                   I enjoyed the challenging parts of the experience as well as the continuos support.

20. If you could be student of the month again why would you say yes?                                                      I would say yes again because I loved to take on such a big role and to learn more about what taking a big role is like again. 


1. Students that support the student of the month to ask how this foundation has changed the four years at high school.
2. The teachers to ask if they see any change in the students after they have become student of the month.
3. The parents of the student of the month to ask about their opinions of becoming student of the month and how the experience has changed their student. 
