The Lede and Student of the Month Story

Student of the Month Story

Who: Faith Laurence.
What: How to become student of the month.
Where: James Bowie High School 
When: September
Why: She is student of the month because she is willing to take on a big challenge.
How: She accomplishes this by working hard everyday and maintaining a good grade.

    Faith Laurence is working hard as the student of the month here at James Bowie High School for the month of September. She has been picked because she is willing to take on such a big challenge by accomplishing her daily obstacles and putting in the effort to maintain high grades and becoming a large inspiration to countless amounts of students.

    "It is not easy to take on such a big role, sometimes you might feel hated on or a large amount of weight on your shoulders," student of the month and freshman Faith Laurence said. "It's harder than it looks, it really is."

     She has a large amount of workload from many of her classes getting through all the work is a difficulty for Faith as well as all the other students at Bowie.

    "I get through my days by making sure I don't overload my work and constantly mange my time," Laurence said. "Planning and organizing has helped a lot."

    Her friends and students at the school have been extremely supportive towards Faith's time and effort in the experience of student of the month.

  "I learned to never give up even if the work load is higher than usual, and to be you, don't play a person you aren't because you not there to impress anyone," freshman Zia Smith one of Faith's friend said. 

  Mr. Reeves, Faith Laurence's favorite teacher is extremely content with the effort and hard work she is putting into all of her classes and towards the work of student of the month.

   "She is more focused on accomplishing her goals," Michael Reeves said. "Taking on such a big role has made Faith more interested in all of her class."

    Laura Laurence, Faith's mom, is proud and surprised about the capability of her daughter, and is a little upset about the amount of work that she has received.

   "The improvement I have seen in my child is very different than before because she is more motivated to accomplish what is given to her," Laura Laurence said. "It is minimizing family time due to the amount of work she receives in the given time."

  The students at school have noticed what becoming student of the month takes and why they would be or not want to be student of the month.

 "This is a life lesson and is going to take time for me to prepare for a role like this," Smith said. "It is not going to be easy and I know that!"
Word Count :375


  1. Again, watch your quotations, they have to be just the direct quote, You don't include anything else. We don't want to embed quotes inside of other textual pieces. The story is fine, you stayed in inverted pyramid and you have the proper quote-transitions style, but the quotes are not structured correctly.


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