Current Events Quiz #2.1

Short Response
1) Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the Statue of Liberty
2) Women’s Health Institute and arm and leg pain in the Musculoskeletal Institute
3) They are being sued by Kendra Scott because they are using similar medallion-shaped logo as Kendra Scotts.
4) Nick Medlna 
5) I would like to see "It."

Long Response
1) The writers direct "stance" about science is that it is a powerful tool and people should value it because it will constantly continue to impact our lives. The writers attitude is given off as his support for science is amazing and is not understanding the poor public attitude towards science is coming from. He believes science is a effective tool for helping us learn about anything we do and how we are able to do it. 
2) Paragraph six because he states a note from Albert Einstein and immediately after the quote he said "Everyone can feel the compelling curiosity," this is an opinion. That statement is an opinion because he assuming what others might be feeling when it could have just been him and not the readers. 
3) "Everyone can feel the compelling curiosity of asking why the world works as it does." This is the statement that the writer used which came off to me as a opinion. 
4) To support his opinion the writer used an true fact that a famous scientist, Albert Einstein said. I think that he used a quote to help make the readers more relate to his opinion. The quote he used was “the whole of science is merely a refinement of everyday thinking.” 
5) The writer concluded the piece with his occupation or career. He might have done this to to prove to the readers who don't support science that it is a job and you can go far with it. 
6) Yes, the whole topic of the article was persuading and advertising science but at the same time he was using a lot of opinions which might have not been the best information for readers, it could have been better with less . His quotes supported his text and was strong enough to lend merit to his opinions. 
7) I agree with the stance because science is an important idea in this world and is allowing many of us to do what we are doing right now. Science is an effective tool that will keep changing our future. 
