Current Events Quiz #2.2

Short Answer
1. $1,840
2. By getting a clean bill of health from an FAA-approved doctor.
3. AISD-$1.05 billion, Lender- $454 million, Bastrop- $88.5 million, Lake Travis- $253 million, Eanes- Same as Lake Travis ($253 million).
4. 50,000 jobs and $5 billion of investment.
5. You can find many scary creatures like the slender man.

Long Answers
1. People with disabilities suffer from leaving their homes and being active, recently google came out with their own self drive car. This self drive car makes the impossible, possible, it allows the "passenger" to be safe by recognizing every little think around them. The car can sense hand signals, motorcycles, kids walking, and many things that even we wouldn't encounter. Mahan the former CEO and the first ever passenger for the world's first fully self-driving ride said the car was where he felt the most safe.

2. Many people would benefit from the driverless car but mostly people with disabilities such as being blind, having a visual issue, or possibly deaf. The blind community rely on others to get around but thanks to the vehicle it allows people with disabilities to experience independence for the very first time in their lives.

3. Yes, it might take me some time to get used to or comfortable but at the end I do believe that if everyone used this car it could potentially decrease the amount of deaths on the road yearly. I know the fact that a machine is driving your car is petrifying but at the end of the day I think it is impacting our world in a positive way.

4. Once the driverless cars are perfected, i think the next big tech innovation could possibly be planes or buses. Upgrading the amount of time a plane take to transport to a certain place or making it safer for countries all around the world will defiantly be a bonus. Almost all kids around the world uses a bus and sometimes buses aren't in the best shape so maybe fixing buses or increasing the number of buses will help schools or districts.
