Earthquake Story

Who: Earthquake
What: Earthquake damaging many residents home
When: Monday at 8:12 a.m
Where: San Francisco Bay
Why: Natural Disaster
How: Earthquake rocked killing 2 and injuring 6

Earthquake Story
     A natural disaster earthquake which damaged many homes on Monday morning, 8:12 a.m at San Francisco Bay rocking the area resulting in 2 deaths and 6 injured people. 

    "It is devastating to see so many people suffering at the same time," John Geary, the mayor of San Fransisco said.

    McHenry's Auto Supply, a building housing or store collapsed due to the earthquake.

    "The collision of the building killed two people and injured six people," Jennifer Vu, officer from Hayward Fir Department.      

    Mike Beamer and other residents living at the apartments across the street of McHenry's were effected by the earthquake. 

   "All I heard was a big boom and people yelling and soon enough my book shelf fell and my dishes flew out of the cabinet," Beamer said. "It was bizarre."

    The earthquake was a strong disaster and occurred on the Hayward fault which is located under the hills.

   "The earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 and was a strong one resulting in 2 deaths and 6 in the hospital," Penny Gertz, a scientist said.

   The building which collapsed brand immediate attention to the scene, the worker of the store Dan Fil had a lot to say.

  "I ran to the phone to call and twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police and five American Red Cross workers responded immediately," Fil said. "So glad that so many people care. 

   Out of the two deaths one was Vance Jen who was just living his daily life at work.

   "I can't believe something so horrific happened to my son, he was just a sweet boy," Brandis Jen said. 

   The witnesses of the earthquake were effected mentally by the storm. They were witnessing from their homes. 

   "The whole ground was shaking! People were yelling, screaming, and crying, I hope everyone is okay." Paul Ban said, a resident close to where the earthquake happened.

