Editorials and Personal Columns

Three Ideas:
1. Dress Code
2. Education
    - Teachers
    - Staff 
3. Homework
    - Time it takes 
    - Difficulty 

My regular basis reading: 

A wonderful blogger that I have been reading recently on a regular basis is Paloma Contreras. I have been reading her because she has a unique style which makes her work stand out. I keep going back to read her blog "La Dolce Vita," because she does interior designing which I am very interested in and also does a great job of making her work inspirational. Her designs that she posts on her blog have gave me an idea of what I want to do and inspires me to take on the career of designing. 

2nd piece opinion (Editorial) :

Cell Phone Addiction-
  Day by day cell phones are taking over our daily lives no matter what gender, race, ethnicity or age. In fact more than fifty percent of all americans own a cell phone. Cell phones is becoming so excessive that people should be more careful on how they use their devices and possibly stop using them in certain situations. 

 Cell phone are a important technology that we use every single day but their are reasons why such a small device can cause such a huge problem. Cell phones cause a physical and psychological effect on human bodies. An example of a physical effect is car accidents, many people believe that they can multitask and use their phones while driving, but this causes significant visual issues and puts the driver and others on the road in danger. Research has revealed that texting and driving can be more or just as dangerous as drinking and driving.

A psychological effect cell phones can cause is anxiety, researchers have discovered that more than all college students that use their cell phones a lot are prone to have anxiety or depression. The situation of stopping cell phone addiction is important because it is helping our attitudes to change as well as saving lives. 

Many people are attached to their phone screens, "smartphones encourage us to think more and act as a readily available source of infinite information," Danny Fratella a 16 year old high schooler said. 

  Smartphones can help you but their is a certain amount of time and certain application that are not acting as a reliable source for infinite information. At the dinner table, it's becoming the norm to constantly check for texts, emails, tweets and Facebook updates and things like that are not encouraging us to think more. 

Our precious devices that we all adore are amazing but their is a limit until it can make you feel depressed, anxious, and frustrated. Our phones can provide good information but how many of us just sit their researching all day?

It is fine to use your cell phone but if you are addicted you should delete the apps that are distracting you and turn off notifications.This is not a simple thing to do. Not many of us are ready to realize the fact that we have an addiction, but try these and just think about how it has changed your mood. 

Most times you want to break a phone addiction you have to know whats best for you, measure how much time you're actually spending on your phone to see how you're using it. This will help you realize the relationship with your phone. 

People all around the world are misusing their phones constantly but if you sit down and think the way you act is also changing. Many teenagers super from anxiety because of their devices, this is spreading awareness that people need to be more careful on how they use their devices.

Fact link : https://www.psychguides.com/guides/signs-and-symptoms-of-cell-phone-addiction/
