Free write!!!

Free Write

Prompt: Write about something ugly–war, fear, hate, or cruelty–but find the beauty (silver lining) in it.

Life is ugly, pretty, awful, dirty, beautiful and so much more. With all the negativity there is positivity. Fear is a common emotion in so many diverse age groups and race. Fear comes when we take a test which we don't think we did good on or seeing the direction family, friends, and world is going, or maybe even sharks. It's not easy to overcome strong emotions like this that are slowly taking over your body. Having extreme fear of something can have negative effects on your body. It can cause sickness like headaches, anxiety or depression which can be stressful, annoying and even stop you from doing things. This kind of side effect can be very unpleasant especially if you don't handle situations like this well. Fear can stop you from reaching goals that you have been dreaming for your whole life. When I am scared or in fear, I freeze because I don't know what to do next this takes a step back from becoming one step closer to your dreams. I know that having a frozen body isn't easy it will affect your future in an opposing way. Fear limits your potentials. These potentials are important to mature in your personality and your career. Having fear is not something you would want for the rest of your life, agree?  You have to learn how to manage and even overcome your fears.

   With all the negativity of an emotion it has positivity which might be hard to believe. When you overcome a fear you feel good, right? If we face our fears, we overcome them.  This makes overcoming fear an important way to get back on track because it takes away the power that is holding you back. Once you release fear, it becomes easier to manifest those tendencies that are true to us. When I overcome my fear I am able to move on from it and become a stronger person from the inside and outside. Allowing yourself to see the silver lining in fear will help you boost your motivation to kill the fear. Although it might be hard if you concentrate and pay attention it is possible. Everyone in this world has something to fear. Although fears might also change throughout a lifetime, most people do remain scared of something. Don't expect for you fear to go away so quickly it takes time but when you do let go of your fear you will be able to learn from the lesson.

  Thus, fear is something we all struggle with it holds us back and makes the obstacles in life harder. But throughout all the emotion, sitting their is not going to do anything, you should attempt to overcome those fears. If you face them you will be able to be more pleased and will help you with concur obstacles similar to that one in the future. Just remember one thing you have two choices, go for what you believe or sit their and do nothing. Never Give Up!


  1. Nice choice of topics for this prompt. I like how you related back to your own life and how you deal with something "ugly" in your world. Telling piece and written well. Good work!


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