
Who: Janice Jones 53 years old
What: Weapon discharge
When: Wednesday at 10 p.m
Where: Barstow, California 
Why: Eating pork chops
How: Dog knocked it over causing the bullet to shoot jones.
Word Counter: 172 words


  Janice Jones, 53 years old woman was shot on Wednesday at 10 p.m in Barstow, California when she was eating pork chops her dog knocked over a 9mm handgun causing the weapon to discharge when it hit the floor. 
  Jones is a victim of carrying a handgun without a permit and having a expired plates.

  "District attorney’s office was considering whether to charge her in relation to the gun accident. Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun," Tammy Rye, California Highway Patrol press liaison said.

   Jones' dog who was soon transported to the Huntington Beach Animal Control had suspicious signs that he had been abused.

   "The dog seemed to be malnourished," Janet Ngo, animal control officer said. "And had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead."

   Jones was taken to the hospital and treated, people had very little information regarding her health.

   "Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center," Rye said. "Jones was treated at the hospital but gave no additional information."
