The Dispatch

The Dispatch
Page 1- AISD Bond may bring major benefits
Who - AISD school bond and Bowie
What - A bond which will bring major benefits to the school. 
When - Couple years
Where - James Bowie High School
Why - To improve the school physically so that it performs better for the students
How - Renovating and adding resources like a larger fine arts hall and a structured parking lot. 

James Bowie High School opened in 1988 and hasn't been changed a whole lot since, in a couple of years the AISD school bond and Bowie will be bringing major benefits to the school. The improvements the school are considering is computer and presentation improvements, two story parking garage, and renovations throughout the halls and classrooms. Bowie will be making these $91,030,000 changes to the school to improve mindsets and performance of the students. 

  • Mark Robinson - Direct quote
  • Dr. Paul Cruz - Direct quote
  • Matais Segura - Direct quote 
  • Brian Garcia - Direct quote
  • Madison Austin - Indirect quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
 No opinion. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does because it is a sneak peak of what the story is truly about. 

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?

Page 1- New Principal makes individuals and their needs a priority 
Who - Mark Robinson
What - Working to create long term plans for Bowie High School.
When - Some have already been implemented, 2017-2018
Where - James Bowie High School
Why - To help students improve performance at school.
How - $1 billion bond to propose new technical platforms and much more.

Mark Robinson the president of James Bowie High School is working to create long term plans for the school, which some have been implemented and others will be done in the next couple of years. He is doing this to help students improve performance at school by using the 1 billion dollar bond to propose new technical platforms, new classrooms and much more.


  • Mark Robinson- Direct quote
  • Carla De La Rosa - Direct quote
  • Victoria Newell- Indirect quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No opinion. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does because it the story is about our principal helping improve our school by making people priorities.

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?

Page 2- Technology due to arrive in January 

Who - All bowie students
What - Arrival of technology (Chrome book)
When - January
Where -James Bowie High School
Why - To make doing work for students more efficient
How - AISD will acquire the money and will allow bowie students to have a chrome book.

In January, all bowie students will be receiving a chrome book to help students by allowing their work to be done more efficiently. AISD will acquire the money and will allow bowie students their own chrome book. Its a learning experience for students and will lead to success in their classes.


  • Noelle Parker - Direct quote
  • Michael Evans - Direct quote
  • Allie Grooms - Direct quote
  • Madison Johnson - Indirect quote 

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No opinions. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does, the technology is supposed to drive in January and that is the main idea of the article.

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?

Page 2 - New Bulldog logo soon to be created due to trademark issue
Who - Bowie Bulldog
What - Trademark issue
When - This year
Where - Bowie high school
Why - Bowie high school and Gonzaga university are having a trademark issue with similar logos.
How - Risks of a lawsuit and being sued.

This year, the bowie bulldog was changed due to a trademark issue. Bowie high school and Gonzaga university were having trademark issues with similar logos blaming bowie for plagiarism the change in logo was caused by threats and risks of lawsuit and possible being sued.


  • Mia Barbosa - Indirect quote
  • Ty Branyon - Direct quote
  • Ibrahim Abdulhabbar- Direct quote
  • Alex Paulson - Direct quote
  • Mark Robinson - Direct quote 

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No opinions. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does.

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?

Page 2- SEL teaches students life skills

Who - Students
What -  Social Emotional Learning
When - During class
Where - Bowie high school
Why - To help students improve on fundamental life skills
How - By combing SEL lessons with lesson plans.

Students at James Bowie High School are being taught social emotional learning during class. Bowie is doing this to help students improve on everyday fundamental life skills. This is being done by combing SEL lessons with the teachers lessons plan.


  • Sydney Johnson - Direct quote
  • Jean Frazier - Direct quote 
  • Natalia Casanova - Direct quote
  • Mo Orr - Indirect quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No  opinions. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does.

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?
No piece of art.

Page 2- Robinson's first year focuses on arranging students' needs to come first
Who - Mark Robinson
What -Arranging students needs to come first
When - During school
Where - James Bowie High School
Why - To help build connections with students
How - Talking to them and comforting them

During school, Mark Robinson the principal are arranging students needs to come first by taking to them and comforting them. James Bowie High School is a safe place and Robinson believes this will help because it will allow students to build connections with students.


  • Kelly Flickinger - Direct quote
  • Emily Robinette- Direct quote
  • Mark Robinson- Direct quote
  • Jimmy Counihan - Direct quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
Yes when it says, I think my biggest over all goal is...

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?
No pieces of art

Page 3- Administration revises the incentive plan
Who - Bowie Students
What - Incentive Plan
When - End of semester
Where - James Bowie High School
Why - To encourage students to come to school so they can have a reward
How - Giving them certificates which will allow them to not use the final exam grade.

Bowie students and being allowed a incentive plan at the end of the semester which will give them certificates to allow them to not use a final exam grade in a specific class. This is being done because it is encouraging students to come to school so they can receive a reward.


  • Kiran Patel - Indirect quote
  • Ruth Ann Widner - Direct quote
  • Emily Leeke - Direct quote
  • Shikha Patel - Direct quote
  • Emily Robinett- Direct quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No opinions. All opinions are quoted.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does.

-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?

Page 3- Bowie organizations soar to new heights with drones on campus
Who - Bowie organizations
What - Drone on campus
When - The new school year
Where - James bowie high school
Why - Good experience and fun.
How - Implement them into the teachers curriculum

Bowie organizations are allowing drone on the campus starting this year. James Bowie high school is going to start implementing them into the teacher curriculum to allow students to experience drone photography and have fun.


  • Chanel Dobrzenski- Direct quote
  • Andrew Nourse- Direct quote
  • Nick Moczygeba- Direct quote
  • Luke Leifker- Direct quote
  • Peter Dang- Indirect quote

-Are there any "statements/transition sentences" that you believe are opinions?
No opinions.

-Read the headline of the story, does it summarize the plot of the story sufficiently?
It does.
-If there is a piece of art, graphic, photograph, etc associated with the story, does it fit with the story you read?
