Peer Reflection #1

1. Who wrote the story?
Kylie wrote the story. 

2. What is their story about?
Their story is about how women soccer players are getting payed less than men when they work harder. 

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
"The women players should get paid for how they perform on the field not by what sex they are."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
Yes, they addressed the male soccer players and how much they get paid. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
Kind of they didn't make their opinion a "I" statement so it was hard to see if they were repeating their opinion. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?
No there are no quotes in the story. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
They wrote in 3rd person. 

1. Who wrote the story?
Kylie wrote the story. 

2. What is their story about?
How NF's new album is benefitting them.

3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.
Their direct opinion about the topic is "It helps me, and I'm sure others, feel like they aren't alone in their battle in their mind."

4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?
No, she only addressed the side that is inspired by NF's music and how much he has helped people. 

5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they every go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.
No, they were very straight forward and their opinions were restated again towards the end of the story which made it clear. 

6. Are there any quotes in the story?
Yes their are multiple quotes in the story, most from the lyrics of NF and others on how people are inspired from him. 

7. What point of view did they write in (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?
1st and 3rd person point of view. 

8. Can you tell if it is an editorial OR just a regular opinions piece? How?
This piece is a regular opinions piece because throughout the story they used the word "I" and if it was a editorial then their would be no direct opinions. 
