CE Quiz #3.1

Short Answer:
1. Who are the owners of Austin Sports & Entertainment? Page A1 "Proposal to replace Expo Center.."

Sean Foley and Andrew Nestor

2. Why did president Donald Trump remove protections from two national monuments in Utah yesterday, according to the article on Page A5 "Trump takes step to reduce national monuments"

He removed protections from national monuments because he declared that it is public land and will be used for public uses. 

3. Why will the University of Texas raise its tuition the next two years? Page B1 "UT seeks 2% tuition...."

To keep up with the inflation and offer competitive pay for faculty and staff, as we all as equipment in lab.
4. Who are the thee finalists for the Heisman Trophy and what school do they play for? Page C1 "OU's Mayfield a Heisman finalist"

Baker Mayfield, Lamar Jackson, and Bryce Love

5. Which of the top movies last week would you like to see and why? Page D2 "'Coco' stays on top..."
Coco because i think if i watched it i could gain information on the famous festival Dia de Los Muertos and why it is so important in so many peoples lives.

Long Response:

Read the story on page A1 "Trump's tweet raises specter of obstruction" and please answer the following questions.

1. What could have been wrong with president Donald Trump's tweet regarding the firing of Michael Flynn?
Donald Trump's tweet regarding the firing of Michael Flynn could have been wrong or handled a different way because they should have discussed and proven it before leaking it on social media. The situation was handled with through twitter and if they talked about the scenario it would have been better and ended differently. 

2. Do you think that Trump knew what was going on with Flynn before he fired him?
I think that Trump probably had a idea that Flynn's case was going on however i think he might have wanted to wait a little longer to see if that was really the situation. Trump probably wanted to wait longer to make the scene worse because he could have confronted Flynn right when he knew. If Trump didn't know i still think he could have handled the situation differently. 

3. Do you think that Twitter is an appropriate place for a president to be waging battles against his opponents?
I defiantly don't think that Twitter is an appropriate place for a president to be waging battles because it makes the readers or audience more scared to be living in the country. Instead the president should have handled the situation privately and when all the facts were straight, appropriately let the reader know. 

4. What do you think Twitter should be used for?
I think twitter should be used for expressing positivity and informing reader on news that is factual. I think twitter is a great place to express your feeling but not by letting others down. How it was used in this scene is not what twitter should be used for. 

5. How should people get their news?
People should get their news from the local news channel because they are more trustable. They are more trustable because they update you on the news that is going on in the world currently and how they could prevent that. Another good source would be a local news website because they stand for the same purpose. 

6. Is a social media site something you can trust to give you real news?

In my opinion social media is not a good reliable source because their are lots of rumors and you don't know if anything is true or false. For trustable news i would defiantly not prefer social media unless you are very positive that the news given is correct. 
