Final Exam Part 2

Story #2 Hard News Story
What- Boy died'
Why- Caught shoplifting
When- Last Saturday
Where- Panzer's department store
Who- 19 year old boy named Timothy Milan
How- lack of oxygen to his brain.

       A 19 year old boy named Timothy Milan, died last Saturday at Panzer's department store because he was caught as a shoplifting suspect. A bystander who saw the boy shoplift applied a headlock to him which caused a lack of oxygen to his brain.

         "My wife and I are just in ruins over this. He was our only child and he had never had problems with the law," Timothy's father, Eric Milan said.
          At the store one of the polices witnessed Timothy shoplifting two sweaters down his pants, then began leaving the store.

         "We sam him running and the guard was right behind him," eyewitness, Sherry Carter said
          The guard and the bystanders ran to catch up with Timothy, Timothy resisted and then one of the bystanders applied a headlock.

           "We went outside to see what was going to happen and we say the boy get dragged to the ground," Carter said.

         A police who arrived claimed that the death was a collision due to the handcuffs.

         "They were fighting alright, but it looked like all four of them were pulling at him and he finally stopped moving," Carter said.
           The autopsy they had conducted determined that the cause of the death was due to the lack of oxygen to the brain.

          "We are sorry for the death of the young man, it was never our intensions for these kinds of things to happen," Panzer's department store manager, Paula Smith said.

          Policers said that the bystanders didn't mean to injure or hurt Milan, but that Milan was fighting violently.

         "We plan to bring civil charges against the man who did this to my son," Eric said.
         Police said that Milan was not behaving correctly and the bystanders were just trying to restrain him and capture the suspected criminal.

       "The gentleman who held onto Milan was just being a good citizen," Police spokesman, Michael Williams said.
