Final Exam Part 3

Opinion writing:
Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

     Television is an important form of entertainment in a majority of peoples lives, it allows kids as well as adults to relax after a long day or give busy workers a break. Many of our favorite shows and movies are played on the tv. 

     At times television can have a negative effect on society because it promotes violence because some content is not appropriate for all ages. 

    However the violence is not so bad after all, parents know what channels and movies their kids should be watching, and because of the violence, publishers have rated the content for viewers to know. 

    Television is a form of entertainment and should be watched because it helps relax the body, the violence only has a negative effect on some of the society because most people know what they should be watching and what they shouldn't be watching. 

    For example if a movie is rated R, parents or guardian should know not to let their kids see that kind of content, if parents do it can most defiantly increase violence in society.

    Sometimes young adults promote violence because they think it is funny or a joke, in someway the violence effects themselves but not much of the society. 

   After a violent scene in the movie theater people might feel the need to reenact the scene but this is not effecting the society it is effecting the individuals mental status. Also people should not believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because not everyone has the need or want to pretend like they are trying to injure someone. 

    If people believe that the television is creating violence they should stop watching tv and cure themselves from that thought because most times the tv is watched for fun.

     People might think that the television can be violent because some people joke around about things that can actually hurt someones feeling but the person just might not know that they are referring to a movie. 

     A specific reason why television isn't as violent as many people think is because it also influences many kids and allows them to learn think that can either help them in their lives or at school as well as work. 

     Movies also increase a person imaginary skills which can help them at school when writing pieces in english class or just drawing for fun. 

     To conclude, television can be violent at times but you must know what to watch as well as what your kids should be watching. People believe the cons of television but they don't ever look at the pros such as how influential it is and that people have careers being on tv. People should watch tv for a limited amount of time but also try to learn something from it. 


