Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review
1. Timeliness News about a recent story.

2. ProximityNews about places near your publication. Close 

3. Human Interest News that causes people to have emotion. Drama that surrounds people involved in emotional struggle. Appealing

4. Prominence News about a widely known person, organization, or place. "newsworthy"  importance  

5. Conflict- News about problems that give the reader tension and suspense. Opposing forces.
1-5 multiple choice 
6. Interviews -  takes place any time a reporter asks a question, information from source

7. Research -  careful study that is done to find and report new knowledge about something. Reporter does to prepare for interview.

8. Quotations source’s exact words. What you get from source. 

9. Yes-no question A direct question designed to draw a specific response, close ended. 

10. follow-up question - Question that is generated after original question to get reader to elaborate. Add additional information. 
6-10 Fill in blank
Know what is most objective writing
11. Objective writing - No opinions or editorials. 

12. Transition paragraph -  A paragraph that moves the reader from one thought to the next and shows the relationship between them. In between quotes. 

13. Hard news story Coverage of the actions of government or business; or the reporting of an event, such as a crime, an accident or a speech. The time element often is important. Timely and breaking news. 

14. Soft news story Stories about trends, personalities or lifestyles. The time element usually is not important. Can be old or in future, not breaking news. 

15. Inverted PyramidThe organization of a news story in which information is arranged in descending order of importance. Writing structure for hard news story. 

16. Third-person point of view - Speaking from above, using key words like she, he, they or the name of the person. 

17. 5 Ws and H lead - What, when, where, why, who and how. Use in lead or beginning of story. Hard news story. 

18. editing - Revising a piece of work. Prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.

12-18 Multiple choice
19. attribution to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider ascaused by something indicated. Source/credit

20. paraphrase - Summarize a story, article or work that is not yours. Indirect quote. Give them credit. Rewriting. 

21. fragmentary quotation - Single word of short phrase used by source
23. partial quotation - A full quote is "introduced" with a comma or a colon.
22. direct quotation -  Word for word exact quote of what source said.
19 - 23 in word bank 
24. Uses of quotations -  For feeling and emotions, should not be facts. 

25. When to use quotations -   

26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired -

27. Editorial Opinion of newspaper as a whole. Often decided by editorial board group of editors. Always written in third person. comes up 3 times

28. editorial page - All of opinions of newspaper appear. Columns, Staff box. 

29. columns - Written by one person their point of view on a particular topic.

Given sentence know which one is which 30-33
30. editorial that criticizes -

31. editorial that explains -

32. editorial that persuades -

33. letter to the editor - General public writes the letter. 
27-33 in word bank or true false some are repetitive. 
300-400 word stories 
