Self Critique

1. Who were the sources?
My sources were my Mom, Dad and my grandma

2. Summarize in 1-3 sentences the story:
My grandma has gone through a lot growing up, in the story she talks about how she was able to overcome the sight of poverty. She grew up in a little town and everyone around her struggled including herself. She shares some personal stories that have impacted her own life as well as her families.

3. How many paragraphs is the story?

20 Paragraphs

4. How many words is the story?

870 words

5. How many direct quotes are there in the story?

15 direct quotes

6. How many different people are quoted in the story?

Three people

7. Which quote is the most impactful of all the ones included?
"I walked into my math class and a kid was upset. I talked to her and her parents had passed away in a car crash and that’s the moment I realized that life is precious. That little poor girl had to live in a foster home, that might treat her awfully."

8. Where is that quote located in the story (beginning, middle, end)?

Middle of the story 
9. Does the lede effectively capture the readers attention?

Yes it draws the audiences attention. 

10. If their could have been one additional person interviewed for the story, who would it be?

My grandma's sister, i think she would have a lot to say about the kind of person my grandma was. 

11. Is the story objective, which means are all non-direct quotes statements of fact and NOT the opinion of the writer?

Yes, their are no opinions of me, all opinions said by the interviewer are quoted. 

12. Are there any unanswered questions that you have after reading the article?

For me their isn't because i know her but for other readers I'm not sure, but i think i hit all the main points.

13. Write a headline to go with this story:

How is life different in other countries? 

14. Sum up your opinion of the story:

My opinion is that it is a very inspirational story and I think a lot of people can take a lesson from the main topic of the story, I hope that other people will be able to see the same stuff that I did while i was writing it.
15. Give yourself a self grade from 0-100

95, their can always be room for improvement.
