2017 Year Review

This picture represents the downs that 2017 bring us, their were many ups but this was not one. The picture above shows the California fire the occurred recently, it is one of my favorite photos because it shows the reality of the past year. The family is preparing to evacuate so they can be safe, this picture revolves around reality and care which makes it one of my favorites.
This year many humans were effected by the nature such as hurricanes and wild fires but also animals were hurt too. This picture shows a group of cattle sticking together while walking through the flood that hurricane Harvey left. This is one of my favorite pictures because throughout the tragedy the cattle stuck together and overcame the challenges such as food and water.

This past month family's all across the world celebrated a famous holiday called Christmas, the picture above shows children at a lighting celebration. This is one of my favorite pictures because it reminds me of when my family went to the trail of lights and shows the connection between the little boy and girl.

1. What was the best song of 2017?
The best song of 2017 in my opinion was Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran because the song is catchy and has remained on the top 10 songs for more than twelve weeks. The song was remixed multiple times which made audiences excited to hear it and love it even more. I think that this deserves to be the best song of 2017 because not only did Ed's song remain in the top charts, his album called Divide was recently announced the album of the year. As a individual he has worked extremely hard on Shape Of You and i can't wait for what he will do in 2018.
2. What was the best movie of 2017?
The best movie in 2017 in my opinion was Thelma because it shows the reality of the lives of many college students. The story was about a girl about to leave for college and soon leads into a relationship. The movie showed what many people go through when in college and it helped me learn that college and friends is not easy and is very dramatic.
3. What was the most important news story of the year?
The most important news story of the year in my opinion was the catastrophic hurricanes that occurred throughout the south of the country such as Harvey, Irma and Maria. The hurricanes caused major flooding and many people to get inured or die. This is a very important news story because none of us were expecting this and they all occurred around the same time which made it more stressful. A lot of people effected by the storms or even the people who helped learned a life lesson that life isn't always perfect. 
4. Who was the most important person in 2017?
The most important person in 2017 in my opinion is Colin Kaepernick because he launched a national protest against racism which allowed many people to open their eyes and do the same by attempting to stop racism. The San Francisco 49ers quarterback raised awareness by kneeling during the national anthem to stop criticism from Donald Trump. I believe he is a very important person because it changed many peoples lives by allowing them to see that racism is not ok. 

5. Biggest sports or entertainment story or person of 2017?
In my opinion the biggest sports person of 2017 was Stephen Curry. I believe this because Stephen Curry has inspired so many families especially with athletes that sports and family can be done all at once. He is so determined in his job as a basketball player and makes sure that everyone on his team have participated in the game before it ends. He was children as well as a wife, the way he treats them while managing basketball at the same time makes him the biggest sports person of 2017.

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.

This year my family got me a laptop for christmas i will always remember this because it was the first i have had my own macbook. This laptop will help me with school work as well as entertainment. Also during the break my sister came back from UT so i go to spend a lot of quality time with her which was amazing.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2018 year?

My resolution for the 2018 year is to focus on my grades and try to do better in all of my classes than i did last semester, so aiming for all 95 above. Another goal is to take better notes in all of my classes and stay focused while the teacher is explaining.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2018?
t I am looking forward to becoming a better version of myself and challenging myself because I know that it won't be easy. The year will be fun and I will be able to accomplish my goals if i try hard. I am looking forward to holidays and accomplishing a lot.
