CE #4.1

1. How much money did Steve Adler raise in his 2014 Austin Mayor's race, according to the story on page A1 "Adler raises $283,164..."

More than $1 million 

2. How many jobs could be created if Apple decides to make Austin its second headquarters? Page B5 "Could Austin be chosen for Apple's..."

20,000 new jobs 

3. What are two digital currencies mentioned in the article on page B6 "Bitcoin below $10,000..."

Bitcoin and Euthereum 

4. What are the final three potential locations for a new MLS soccer stadium in Austin? Page C1 "Exposition Center ruled out as a potential home"

Butler Shores Metropolitan Park, Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park and McKalla Place

5. What is "Dinder"? Page D1

A dating app that helps you find love by the preference of your food. 

Read the story on page D6 "Child actors have always had it rough..."

Summarize the article in a two-three sentences.

The article is about young actors and the dangers of being so public all the time that sometimes they will receive hate and shame. The article focuses on the dangers and risks of being in the public eye at such young ages and shares stories of people who have experienced hate. 

What are some of the problems with being a child actor, according to the article?

Some of the problems the article talked about briefly is the style of the actor outside of their job, which could lead to body shaming. The hate or language they receive on their social medias, and making fun of their appearance is a major issue that was briefly talked about in the article. 

Which of the shows mentioned in the article have you watched?

From the shows mentioned in the articles I have watched Stranger Things and have really enjoyed the amount of effort the young actors put in their career. The shows storyline is amazing but if they didn't have the actors on the show right now I don't know what the show would be, the young actors do an amazing job. 

What is your current "binge" favorite?

Currently my binge favorite show is Riverdale and I really enjoy it mostly because it is a murder mystery and it is interesting to see how my school is different from the one in Riverdale. The show only has two seasons so it was easy to watch but recently the show started again. 

What medium do you get your entertainment (i.e. Hulu, Netflix, etc.)?

I get my entertainment from Netflix and Youtube, i think that those two forms of entertainment work great and can be accessible in a easy way. The only con about Netflix is that you do have to pay a monthly fee and for youtube you can't watch shows, but other than that I truly enjoy Youtube and Netflix. 

How do you watch most of your entertainment?

I watch most of my entertainment on my devices like my macbook and my iPad, i think its better for me to watch on a bigger screen because i find it harder to watch and enjoy on a smaller screen such as my phone. Their are times i watch my entertainment on television but I'm not a big fan of it just because its in the living room.

Would you want to be a child actor? Why? or Why not?

In my opinion being a child actor would be an incredible experience and i would love take on the role. I love acting so it would be amazing to start my career at such a young age. I know their are a lot of responsibilities that come with being in the public eye but i think i would be ready to take on those responsibilities and risks. 

Have you ever tried to communicate to a Hollywood star or used social media to talk about a 

show? Why and what platform did you use?

I have not ever tried to communicate with a Hollywood star or  used social media to talk about a 
show but i think that would be worth a shot but I'm not sure if they would respond. I don't talk about shows much because i don't want to spoil it for the people who haven't seen the show. 
