Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. What are some of the main points you read about in the website above regarding manipulating images?

Manipulating images is done in many way some main points I learned are:

  • Photo cropping and manipulating is used to create a depth
  • Forces people to believe in something that never took place
  • Alteration tools can change and modify the image or graphic design

B. What is the philosophy of newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York times regarding image manipulation?

The Washington posts and the New York times provides photographers with strict guidelines on how to shoot and edit, they are used to enhance the validity of stories read or viewed. 

C. What do you think are acceptable things you could do to an image and not cross the line unto an unethical manipulation?

  • Remove light alter
  • Crop
  • Color change
  • Remove blemishes, etc. 

D. Post the manipulation (this means get that image and post it on your blog) that you think was the most unethical, and explain why you think it was unethical. If you do not know what the word ethic or unethical means, look them up on the internet. It is very important you know what those two words mean. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think it is so bad.

I think that this picture was the most unethical because the same picture is changing the looks of him and the fact that the picture was published completely differently makes it so bad. A lot of audiences might find that the publisher is making it seem OJ is evil or just trying to be racist, so they defiantly should have left the image where his face could be seen and the audience can't assume whats going on whether it is true or false. 

E. Post the manipulation that you consider the least unethical, and explain why you think it is not as bad as others. Please write at least 2-3 sentences explaining why you think this one is not so bad.

I think that the post on the left is the least unethical because the lighting was changed, you can still see everyone in the picture clearly and the audience can't assume anything negative. I think this is a great example of the power of photoshop. The lighting was adjusted slightly which in my opinion is perfectly normal because the pictures still have the same point and look similar. The photoshopped picture watched the readers attention. 
