Self Portraits and Portraits Part I


  • Engage your subject/approach people in a mannered way
  • Hold your camera on an Angle/adds energy to your shoot
  • Take a series of shots (take many pictures)

E N V I R O N M E N T A L 

I really liked this photo because it shows the hobby of the young lady and is shot so the view behind her stand out. I can clearly see that she is in her environment which is track. The sky and the light in the photo made me pick this photo. I picked this because it meets the standards of environmental shoot. 

I really liked this portrait because it shows the man in his environment which is baseball, but i picked this because he is actually doing his hobby while the shoot is taking place. The photo adds a object which caught my eye. 

P H O T O G R A P H Y   S E L F 

I really liked this portrait because it shows the young 
lady looking straight at the camera and the photo is in
 black and white. The black and white really goes the
 photo the look it needs which caught my eye. 

I like this photo because the portrait is in black and white. Not only is the photo in black and white but it includes an object. I picked this because the shoot includes a object that gives it a cool touch. 

C A S U A L 

I liked this photo because the baby is holding a flower and 
is on casual shoot. The photo is casual and the scenario 
was nice, thats why i picked it. 

I like this photo and i chose it because it focuses on one object and the object is very engaged it in shoot. The photo has a plane pack round which makes the lady standout. 

M Y   P L A N   O N   T H E   A S S I G N M E N T 

For my assignment on self portrait as well as portrait, i am going to shoot many subjects such as my dad, mom, sisters, myself and possibly friends. I am planning to shoot in my backyard as well as a nearby trail, my backyard has a lot of nature and i think it would be the perfect place for the subject to stand out. To make the shoot successful I am going to follow the tips and procedures that i have learned from the website such as engaging the subject, holding my camera at angle when appropriate, taking many shots and possibly adding a additional subject or object to the shoot. I might be able to shoot at downtown because it would be a great place to use the compositions, i want to use the rule of thirsts, framing, cropping and maybe viewpoint. For a self portrait or a regular portrait i am trying to get a environmental portrait of my mom and dad. I was planning on taking a picture of my dad in his office working and maybe my older sister studying in her room. For self portraits i am going to focus on shooting with a lot of nature in the background but i might take a photo with a plain background and change it to black and white when we photoshop. 
