C.E #5.1

1) March 24
2) Sunrise Tactical Supply
3) Mechanical engineering & Cockrell School of Engineering
4) Norway, Germany, and Canada
5) Diversity in storytelling

1) The company that is creating the small gray pouches is founded by Yondr. The pouches allow people to put their phone away and lock them away. Once locked they remain the way until the owner is ready to leave the premises.

2) Over 600 U.S schools are using the phone pouches. The usage of electronic devices at school are very addicting, therefore the Yondr pouches allow education to be a priority and stop phone addictions.

3) The concept behind the pouches is to stop addictions of phones by putting them up in pouches, putting them away allows the owner to stay away from their devices. It allows you to talk to more people and you can retrieve your phone when you have left the premisses.

4) Some side effects about the Yondr pouches are that it is causing the campus to become really loud because they don't have their phones to be texting or playing games, instead the school is interacting. Most students are also getting into arguments over phones in classes.

5) I think that the pouches would be useful because it is allowing students or people in general toggle up their phone addictions. Giving up the time on their devices is causing people to interact with each other as well as socialize with new people. After reading this I think that the pouches would be very useful especially in this generation.

6) If Bowie started using the pouches it would be very useful in some classes but we already have a plan where we have to put our phone up in some of our classes anyway. I think if we upgraded those other pouches to the Yondr ones it would be good. However I don't think we should add them in classes where we don't usually put our phone up.

7) I think their will be a time where phones will not be used the whole day but I think the phone addiction is either remaining the same as it is today or getting worse. The impact that will cause on the world is it will cause people's grades or future to be effected because their will be more of a addiction t devices and not our textbooks.
