Magazine Part II

Early Magazine Covers:
The main attributes of early magazine covers is that they were old covers that were used in the mid-1700's but they weren't like the modern covers we have now. Back then they contained a title and table of contents and looked very similar to book covers providing publication data.

The Poster Cover:
The main attributes of the poster cover was that it was a magazine cover that was larger in size and looked very similar to a poster. As the time progressed the cover line started to become more apparent, and the poster cover appeared on many types of magazines such as travel magazines as well as informational.

Pictures married to type:
The pictures married to type have very similar attributes to modern time, the goal for the covers was to appeal the reader by creating large title names, a large picture and cover lines on all sides of the subject. Cover lines were very important in magazine covers because it gave it the strong, bold, and colorful photography.

In the forest of words:
The In the forest of words magazine covers contain vivid and strong color lines, the cover lines were very important in the 1900's and 2000's because it gave the magazine more art and appealed the readers. The cover lines in some magazines are larger than other magazines, the color lines take up majority of the color space giving the subject little space.
