CE #5.2

1. Approximately 300,000 to 400,000
2. 18 plus 4 equals 21, who gets to take on gov. greg abbott, has the bush name gone from boon to bane?
3. Millennials are not using credit cards as much because the fees from debit card transactions are less than earned via credit card and millennials that carry fewer cards, limits the marketing of credit cards.
4. The shape of water
5. The idea behind Sans is a healthy bar with healthy food, live music, and wellness activities like yoga.

1. Explain why you think guns should be controlled more strictly, or not.
I think guns should be controlled more strictly because this world has come down to people who are killing people and shooting innocent lives for a hobby. People that are not capable of owning a gun should not be able to have a weapon because thats what leads to shootings like the one in florida. It should be more strict, they should make their laws more strict and make sure tragedy's like these don't happen again so we are guaranteed safety in public.

2. What do you think the response might be if something were to happen at a school in Austin?
 I don't think many of us would me shocked because the fact that this is the 18th school shooting just shows that shootings can happen anywhere. Many people might be shocked because they never expect it but when it actually happens it is heartbreaking. The kids and families in Florida didn't expect seventeen of their classmates to be dead either. How many more shootings do we need for the government or the world to realize this needs to stop.

3. . Explain why so-called assault weapons like the AR-15 should be banned, or not?
I don't think weapons should be banned because we are using them in the military for the safety of our country but the laws on who should be able to purchase a gun needs to be changed. The AR-15 should have never been in the hands of a unstable nineteen year old KID! If we could change which weapons should be purchased  and who they should belong to, occurrence of these horrible events would decrease. We need weapons for the safety of our country but not for the ability to kill others within our country. It is unacceptable for any kids or anyone that has gone through a lot to be able to purchase a assault rifle.

4. What kind of discussions have you had with family and/or friends regarding that event and the responses the past month?
The discussions I have had with my family make me feel safe but put me to tears talking about what if this happened here, how will I be safe, how will I get out before their is a bullet inside me. The discussion with my family was hard, we never think innocent lives will be killed but when it happens it makes you wonder what if this happens to us. My friends and family constantly prayed for the children in Parkland and how no one should be going through this. Our conversations create a debate of what this world should do or the NRA should do to stop these tragic events.

5.  How would you actively participate in the process of trying to enact change for something you felt strongly about?
I would actively participate in the process by donating, marching and most importantly empathizing for the kids in Parkland and do what they believe because at the end of the day they are also making a change. I defiantly want to participate on what i fell strongly about by speaking up for what is right, showing safety to little kids who don't know about safety, showing and marching for what is right. Events like this are not going to go away in a second, in fact there has been two other shootings and thousands of threats since the tragedy. But we must learn to stand up for what is right by informing others about what is right.
