Spring Break Extra Credit

Spring break was a very relaxing time that was well deserved after these crazy months. The Friday before spring break the whole day went by so slow. I was sitting in first period and was just waiting for that bell to ring, but it felt like it would never ring. I was trying to keep my eyes off the clock, hoping the time would go by faster. Finally when the bell rang i got this adrenaline rush throughout my body. I walked really fast down the A hall and right when i got out of then building i ran.  I've never been so excited to see my car before. When i got home i grabbed a snack and went upstairs and jumped on the bed like they do on movies. I watched a couple shows and movies, later that night my family went to the churro co. where we had one of the best churro's on the world The evening went by so fast and without knowing it it was officially the first day of spring break. The next day i woke up and was really happy. I got ready and my friends had planned a study day to finish our project for biology. My sister drove us to Starbucks and we finished our project. After we had done that my sister picked us up again and took us to the mall, at the mall i got a couple of shirts. When i got home we had family over who were my dad's relatives. We hung out with them for the rest of the night. It was good catching up with my family because it can get busy during the school days. On Sunday i woke up sad because i thought i woke up late but it was just because of the day light saving day. The day was pretty calm but in the evening we attended church. From Monday to Thursday the days were really calm. On Monday i went with my mom and my sisters to get the tires on the car changed and while we were waiting for two hours we went shopping, which is always a plus. On Tuesday i needed to catch up in some of my classes so I took the day to study for Algebra 2, and other subjects. On Wednesday I took the day to study for a test I am taking this summer and spent the evening enjoying a book. On Thursday, my parents made a unexpected decision to take me, my sisters and my dog to the lake with a family friend. The whole day i spent dreaming about what the next few days would look like and of course packing.  That evening i pulled out my camera and took some shots of my dog, Andy and posting them on his Instagram. The next day we woke up early and drove to the lake. When we reached there we walked down to the lake house, which was a hike down. The first thing we did was get settled and eat lunch. I got changed so that i would be ready to jump off one of the cliffs to the lake. I went closer to the cliff with my sisters and before i jumped, i realized that the cliff was higher than i expected. It took me a while for me to jump but once i saw other kids before me jump i became more confident, and finally jumped after like 10 minutes and then my sisters jumped too. I swam out of the lake and jumped a couple more times, and then went to the camp site area and got ready for dinner. I walked back to the lake house and had dinner while watching the sun set. As the night came closer we had s'mores and planned our day for tomorrow.  The next morning we went on a hike which was the most scenic thing i have ever seen, the sun was rising and the weather was warm and nice. The whole day we spent the day at the lake and doing activities such as paddle boarding, swimming and cliff jumping. Later that evening we went back to Austin and just slept after the short exhausted trip. The next day was Sunday and we spent the whole day dreading about school the next day. That pretty much sums up my spring break, it was one of the best and relaxing times I have had in a very long time.
