CE #6.1

Short Answer:

1. What is the expect total deployment of Texas National Guard members on the border with Mexico, according to Angel Isaack? Page A1 "State details Guard deployment at border"

The expect total deployment of Texas National Guard members on the border with Mexico is 1,400. 

2. What is "metal fatigue"? Page A2 "Investigators examine engine wear in jet tragedy"
A metal fatigue is a weakening of metal from multiple uses and creates microscopic cracks. It occurs in fan blades and other metal plates on the plane. 
3. List 4 of the 9 points that democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew White's plans for education if he were to win the governor race: Page B1 "White says $6.5 billion needed..."

A $5,000 pay raise for all teachers, cost-of-living adjustments to retirees, creation of full-day prekindergarten, and creation of more vocational opportunities for students. 

4. What did Jake McKenzie do that was so unique? Page C1 "Texas' one-man show"
Jake McKenzie brought five gloves with him to UFCU which all served different purposes during the game. 

5.Which of the 5 things on page D2 The Long Weekend: Five Things To Do would you be most interested in going to and WHY?

I think I would be more interested in Bloody Mary Fest because it focuses on brunch food because is perfect for me because I like to eat around that time of day. Aldo it contains food and sounds like things i would love to do. 

Long Response:

Read the article on page B1 "Texas faces challenge to boost straight-to-college rate. Please answer the following questions:

1. What percentage of Texas high school students directly enroll in college (2016)?
The percentage of Texas high school students who directly enroll in college from the year 2016 is 52 percent. The number has decreased one percent since 2015 and two percent from 2014. The number of students who are directly enrolling in college is decreasing slowly year by year.

2. What percentage of Texas high school students should be enrolling by 2030, according to the article?

According to the article 65 percent will need to attend college in order to meet the state goals internet to try to produce educated populace and skilled workforce. Barely half of the students today attend college directly and the number is decreasing but it must increase to meet the state goal. 

3. What is the impact on students who do not enroll directly into college, according to the article?
The impact on students who do not enroll directly into college according to the article is that it affects their chance to likely part a certificate or degree in their counterparts right after high school graduation. In addition it will affect what kind of jobs they will be able to have in the future and how much their wage will be. 

4. What two states did the story mention who have a higher percentage enrolling directly?
The story mentioned that Massachusetts and California have a higher percentage in enrolling directly into college after high school. Massachusetts percentage of students who enroll directly is 70 and California's percentage of students is 60 percent, however both of these states are fairly close to Texas.

5. What is one plan that the Higher Education Commissioner  Raymund Paredes hopes to push through the state legislature?

The Higher Education Commissioner, Raymond Parades hopes to meet the goals of the state's higher education by reaching to push the percentage to 60 percentage. Parades is also working on giving $500 to each graduate, except for financial students who will get $1000. He is hoping that his little strategies will allow him to raise the percentage. 

6. Reflect on this story:
a. Is college that important?
b. Do you plan to enroll directly into college?
c. Is the push to get more students into college impacting other areas of society?
d. Do you think it is possible to have a comfortable life without a college degree?
e. Are workforce certifications and opportunities equally as important in society, i.e. military, postal service, some medical positions like dental hygienists, commercial pilots, detectives, etc.?
f. Have you considered potential jobs that do not require a college degree?

College is important, it is allowing students to pursue their future and build a career which is very important. It is the foundation of life. I do plan to enroll directly in college because if i don't i might feel unmotivated to get up and start again. I think that the push to get more students into college is impacting other areas because it is inspiring or influencing other parts of society to go to college to get education. I think life can be comfortable if you sit in your parents house all day but truly a comforting life is boring, you have to work until the time for you to relax comes. So no, without a college degree you might never feel proud or satisfaction. Workforce opportunities are equally as important in society because they are still working and protecting are country.  Any other certifications are also important and equal in society because most people are working hard to get where they are. No i have never considered potential jobs that do not require a college degree because it is my goal to go to college and I really want to focus on that. 
