C.E. #6.2

1. How many people can the San Isidro border inspection station hold? Page A1 "U.S. continues to bar caravan
The San Isidro border can hold about 300 people. 

2. Give two reasons that Thomas Homan is stepping down as the action ICE position? Page A4 "Controversial head of immigration agency..."
He felt sidelined by his boss, and for negotiate an immigration deal he was not invited to join discussion. 
3. What is "clubstacking"? Page B1 "Tactic, ideology questioned in Central Texas race
Legal practice by candidates who fill political clubs with their supporters to win endorsements. 

4. What type of business gets the greatest fiscal impact from the ACL fest? Page B5 "ACL Fest boosts Austin to the tune of ..."
The biggest impact was bars and restaurants. 

5. How much money did Avengers: Infinity War make this weekend (approximately)? D2

Estimated $250 million

5a) Have you seen it and if you did, did you like it?

I have not seen it but i think i would like it if i watched it. 


1. Summarize the story in a paragraph.

Public schools around rural land are being cut down from a five day week to a four day week. Many schools in rural area's believe they need a longer weekend because things are so scarce and far away. Shorter school weeks are getting more popular because it saves money and makes it easier to recruit teachers. However according to research shorter school week has no advantage. Many districts all around the US have four day schools some teachers are taking advantage of this and are providing extra tutoring or encouraging enrollment in community college classes. 

2. What are some of the advantages to four day weeks, according to the article?

Advantages to four day week is to have more one on one time focusing on what you have struggles with because teachers are setting up internships, providing extra tutor, etc. It could possibly help with the cost of school for many students as well as the district to have one day off. For extracurricular activities or appointments  it can be very efficient for students. 

3. What are some of the disadvantages to a four day week, according to the article?Disadvantages is that finding child care could possibly be a issue. Another disadvantage is that it takes time from the students education and could possibly affect their future. 

4. Would you be in favor of only going to school four days a week? Why?

I don't think i would want to go to school four days a week because first of all i would be ungrateful for 3 day weekends when they come and also I would be affecting my future. Missing a day of school with a five day week is hard let alone missing a day when the week is only four day week. It would be harder to get around and in a way I think the week would go by slower. Anyways I wouldn't because of the disadvantages it has. 

5. What kind of changes would you make in your life if you only had to go to school four days a week?

If I only had to go to school four days a week I would probably imagine Friday as if I was homeschooled and still wake up early and get homework done because not doing anything or not being productive can affect my future. However it can give me more time to focus on extracurriculars so I would probably enroll in more. 

6. What do you think your parents would say about a four day week?

I don't think my parents would be very happy and its not because they get to see me for another day but because my education is being affected. I have less opportunities to learn and grow as a student and makes it harder for me to get involved in school. 

7. How would you deal with longer class days, for example, schools on a four day schedule often begin at 7 am and end 5 pm.?

I probably wouldn't dealing good with it just because students should be getting a certain amount of sleep and the fact that they are making it shorter can be an issue. It can affect test scores and overall grades of students and being let out late affects the amount of time we have for homework. I would deal by getting my work done earlier and sleeping early so my sleep schedule doesn't get messed up. 
