Free Write

Free Write

The most beautiful smile I ever saw...

The most beautiful smile I ever saw was my baby cousin named Aadhya. It was a cold winter in New York City, people were running from one building to another to hustle to work. Time square was a scene to say. Some streets had no sight to see however others made me feel as if I was at a football game. It was December 5th, 2016, my baby cousin was coming to the real world today. My family and I had hustled to the nearest flower market right next to time square, we picked out the pink flowers. We called a taxi and told the driver to take us to the hospital, when we arrived he charged us $50 for a 10-minute car ride, crazy right? We checked in as guests and had butterflies in our stomach knowing that we were about to meet my baby cousin. Arriving at the right room was difficult, there were so many doors. When we finally arrived at the right room I gave my uncle and aunt a big hug and asked if everyone was ok. Without even a response they passed me baby Aadhya. She was crying and terrified, I tried to calm her down but newborn baby's don't know much. It was the second to last day the baby had to be in the hospital. Since it was my first time in New York we let the baby and the mother rest while my uncle took us to see the tourist sights. In a day which felt like an hour, it was time for Aadhya to come home. We waited patiently in the living room floor while my uncle went to bring his first child home. It was an emotional day when she got home, the baby ate and slept. It took her a while to get out of her shell and show us who she really was. I let the baby rest, I did throw a fit because I really wanted to play with her the rest of the day but my mom told me I would have to wait until tomorrow. The next morning I was so tired because the night before I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing the baby crying. I got up and immediately started playing with the baby who was bright awake. She was rolling on the couch with my uncle. I soon realized that I had one of my baby toys that I wanted to give her. I got the toy from my suitcase and gave it to her. She was confused at first but when she pressed the button on the left side of the toy it made a funny noise. Aadhya laughed! Her first time laughing, she had the most beautiful smile, no teeth but bright pink gums and wide opened eyes. It was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
