Current Events Quiz #1

Current Events Quiz #1

Short Response

1. U.S District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos

2. Uss John S. McCain

3. Carbon Monoxide poisoning

4. 50 million people in the U.S and millions more worldwide

5. I would like to attend the Bean to Bar: Make your own chocolate, because i want to learn the way my favorite desert is made and i think it would be interesting to experience.

Long Response

1. Charlottesville workers covers statue of General Robert E. Lee to honor the death of a woman killed protesting a white nationalist rally. Many people have mixed emotions on removing the statue but city council is deciding to take down the statue by legal challenges.

2. I think that the statue in Charlottesville should not be shrouded because i don't believe a death has any honor to a statue and that her passing can be remembered another way that will be more significant.

3. I think UT taking down their statues of confederate heroes was a bad decision because a tourist attraction was removed as well as the importance of the heroes. Although the university is honoring the death of the woman in Charlottesville i believe the statues should've been left.

4. I do care about these statues because it shows how valuable and important history is as well as the heroes the statue was dedicated for. They played a huge roll in our life and i feel like remembering the statues is our only way to connect to the history of the u.s.

5. I have not heard anyone or participated in any discussions of these heroic statues, but i'm sure people have diverse emotions about the statue being shrouded.
