News Ethics In Journalism

News Ethics in Journalism

Invasion of Privacy: Publishing Drunk Driver's Photos-

A banner in New York city around the time of New Year around 1997, states that drinking and driving is unacceptable and can possibly result in having a photo of you published in the newspaper. Starting in 1998 the newspaper would start adding pictures of people who are accused or convicted of drinking and driving in Anderson County and surrounding counties. A person was charged with DUI and the jailer gave out information like age, name, and place to publish in the newspaper. They publishers believe that the law will be disliked and most people will learn a lesson to stop drinking and driving.

Is it ethically acceptable do what presented or not?

My opinion on publishing photos of drunk drivers without their permission to help them learn a lesson, is not the best way to deal with the situation. I feel this because putting people's photos on the newspaper is a invasion of privacy and I believe the situation can be handled another way that won't give off private information. 

Plagirism: Aaargh! Pirates! (and the Press):

The ting tings' new album was leaked online, the band was very upset because they have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because people are downloading the music instead of buying it from itunes. The band was also very upset because media outlet, Rolling stone and billboard are making the situation worse by advertising the illegal link to the album but not forcing the audiences to download it. This made rolling stone and billboard gain more money and the band, ting tings' loose money due to a illegal contravarsy. 

                       Is it ethically acceptable do what presented or not?

I definently would not think that it is ethically acceptable to leak someone else's music to find a cheaper way to advertise the music. This is very disrespectful towards the producers of the music because what they have worked years on has come to a waste because people are no longer purchasing the bands music. So due to those reasons i strongly don't think it is acceptable to do what the leakers of the album have done.

Anonymus/ unnamed sources: The Media's Foul Ball:
In a Chicago Cubs game a man tried to grab a foul ball stopping a outfielder from catching it. The man was forced to leave the game and many fans were angry at him. The man identity was unknown but through television people were able to recognize him by calling him strong mean adjectives, because of his action of catching the foul ball instead of letting a outfielder to do it to help them winch game. 

 Is it ethically acceptable do what presented or not?

It is ethically acceptable because the way the media and wrigley handled it was the correct way. It's the correct way because he should've been escorted for messing up the game and his name shouldn't have been revealed because that would have been invasion of privacy. So for those reasons i think that what was done was done correctly because he wasn't harmed and his privacy was not invaded though in some places his name was leaked but it wasn't advertised.
