Feature Story Brainstorm

1. Who is your main subject?

My main subject is my grandma.

2. Supporting interviews (who else do you need to talk to, minimum 2 other people)?

My dad and my mom. 

3. What is the topic or potential topic?

How is it like growing up in such a diverse country (India) were poverty was common effect you? 

I want to focus on the challenges poverty brought her as a middle school child and how she was able to overcome that. 

4. Which angle from above will you write the story?

Background feature & Personality 

5. Then to help you get going faster, come up with 20 questions that you can ask your main subject. Type these in your blog.

  1. How would you characterize your middle school childhood? 
  2. What is one obstacle you went through as a young kid in school?
  3. How did this obstacle change your life?
  4. What did "fun" mean to you when you were younger? 
  5. How was your country different than others?
  6. What did you work as a young adult?
  7. How did doing this job change peoples understanding of you?
  8. How would you explain the difference of the world today?
  9. How has the world changed since you were little?
  10. What is a memory you remember that made you feel happy?
  11. What is a memory you remember that made you feel sad?
  12. Is poverty effecting everyone's life in the country?
  13. How would you want your childhood to change? 
  14. How did you overcome the challenge of living close or in poverty?
  15. Did poverty effect you? How?
  16. How did the schools change as the years progressed?
  17. What was your dream job and why could that not be possible?
  18. How would you describe the society school had?
  19. Tell me a memory you remember that changed your life relating to poverty? 
  20. When you were born what kind of challenges did the world go to?

6. Once you complete that portion, you need to come up with 5-10 questions you need to ask your supporting interviews. Type these into your blog. You may need different questions for each supporting subject.


  1. Do you think that grandma would be different if she didn't experience the challenges of the society?
  2. Tell me a memory you remember of the individual that you noticed changed throughout her life?
  3. What did you think of her when you first met?
  4. Did this country or society effect you? How?
  1. How was growing up with her?
  2. Do you remember a story she told you about your childhood?
  3. Tell me a memory that you will always remember relating to her handwork?
  4. Did this country make growing up in your life hard?
  5. How did poverty effect your family?

7. You will need to do a little research on the topic you expect to interview your main subject about. Take a little time and do some google searching - find at least 5 new things about the intended topic you should know before you interview your main subject. List those on your blog.

8. Write when you plan to conduct the interview(s)?

I plan to conduct the interview on the first Saturday of the thanksgiving break. 

9. Where you will interview them (some interviews are better to do in the persons environment, while others should be done in public places, ALL interviews should be done in person)?

I will interview the individual in my home where there is very few distraction. She lives with me so it will be very easy. 

10. How will you record the information? (taking notes is ideal, and if you want to record the conversation you MUST get permission. You can do both if they will allow you to record, this is a really strong technique that you could use.)

Taking notes and possibly recording


  1. Most of your questions were open ended.
    Two questions that you can ask your main source:
    1.) What kinds of things did your family spend money n?
    2.) What bi world events do you remember from the time when you were growing up?
    Question to ask a secondary source:
    1.) Did her lifestyle when she was younger influence you in any way?
    Another source you could interview is one of your grandmas siblings if she has them.

  2. Most of your questions were open ended which is good.
    Questions for Primary Source:
    1. How did your grandma's state of low finances affect her family when she traveled to America? Was it difficult to find a job or housing?
    2. Was it difficult to transition to the lifestyle in America? Is this lifestyle different than the one in India?
    Questions for Secondary Sources:
    1. (For her mom) Did you ever learn any valuable life lessons from your Mother's experiences?
    Another source you could interview would be someone that helped her when she immigrated to the US or your grandpa.

    1. E:
      1. Who is the audience and what is the purpose for this piece of writing? Consider offering a suggestion if either the audience or purpose is not clearly established.
      The audience is anyone interested in hearing about an immigration story. The purpose is to show someone's experience in coming to the US.
      2.What do you see as the writer’s main point in these questions?
      The writer's main point is to get to know her grandma's childhood better.
      3.Which part of these questions interests you the most? Why?
      The part of these questions that interest me the most are the questions about how this society is different from the one in India.
      4.Where do you feel you would like more detail or explanation on any questions?
      I think there is more detail needed on the actual experience and explain what that really meant.
      5.Where do you need less?
      I think less detail is needed on background information.
      Do you find any questions unclear, confusing, or undeveloped?
      I found question 15 unclear because there are other questions that already say that she was living in poverty. And, most of the questions are asking about the different ways poverty affected her.


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