Feature Writing Preview

1. What is the difference between a hard news lead (lede) and the one you read above?

In a hard news lede has a who, what, when, where, and why but the one I just read didn't have that and had a description to set up the story. The future writing lead contained more paragraphs then a hard news story usually would.

2. What paragraph(s) did you learn the following information?
a. Who- Paragraph 2
b. What- Paragraph 2
c. Where- Paragraph 2
d. When- Paragraph 2
e. Why- Paragraph 3
f. How- Paragraph 3-5

3. Are there quotes in this story?
Yes, there are quotes in the story.

4. Are those quotes arranged in the "quote-transiton" style we used in news writing?
The quotes are similar because they are in quotation marks but whats different is the quotes are not embedded as well.

5. Who is quoted in the story?
Kevin McLoughlin, Chenoweth, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino, Williams and Shane Cormier 

6. What quote is the most powerful in the story, in your opinion?
In my opinion I think "We'll be back with more, right after these words!" was the most important because it showed how his progress has come along. 

7. How many paragraphs is the story?
33 Paragraphs

8. How many words is the story (hint: you can copy and paste into Word and get a word count)?
758 Words 

9. What is significant about the lead (lede) and the final paragraph of the story?
The lede and the final paragraph are significant because towards the beginning the voice was so amazing but throughout the story his voice became heard, the beauty of the voice was viral. 

10. Why do you think the writer did that with the lead (lede) and final paragraph?
To inform the reader that talent can make a big difference in a persons life and to show how the tory of Ted progressed so that his voice could be heard. 

11. Was the story interesting to read?
Yes I believe the story was very interesting because it shows that anything is possible no matter what stage of life you are in.
12. When you finished the story, but BEFORE you watched the video, did you want to hear the voice?
Yes I do want to hear the voice because from what I have read it has made a impact on social media as well as inspired people. 

13. Multimedia approaches are powerful tools, what impact did the video have when watched directly after reading the story?
It helped me understand the reality of the story and how people are making the best of their life even if they are going through so much.

14. Would the story have lost its impact without the video?
No, the story is still as powerful as it was without the video, the video just made it more real.

15. Did the writer try to come up with a way for you to hear the voice, i.e. did he try to describe the voice or give you a way to "hear" the voice without really hearing it?
Yes, he stated that he was a virtual star and also in the beginning of the article he said the smooth baritone meaning the relaxation of his voice. 

16. How did the writer do that?
The writer did that by not fully sharing his opinion but hinting the readers of what the homeless singer was capable of and how his voice was able to become such an inspiration. 
