CE #4.3


1. 4.1 %

2. #Blowingthewhistle

3. Zero to little bills due to energy efficient features such as solar panels.

4. A drink called bubly that comes in eight flavors.

5. I would be interested in the iPhone x because of the camera, Samsang Galaxy 8 because of the battery life, as well as the storage slot and the OnePlus 5t because of the large screen.

L O O O O O N G :

1. The article is about how video gaming can lead to a disorder, a professor at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse has been studying the issue of video gaming and shared some indications of disorder. Some symptoms included the ability to quit, excessive attention to gaming, and continuation of gaming disregard the negative consequences.

2. The indications of the disorder included impaired control over gaming, giving increase attention to gaming to the level where it has become your daily activity. An other indication listed was continuously playing it disregard the mental and emotional effects of gaming.

3. The definition of a addiction according to the article is defined by the compulsion to do something and not defined by the substance. They mentioned that it is what we do to escape the pain of life that can lead the human body to nonstop short-circuits.

4. I think that video games can be a serious problem especially for kids at a young age because it can lead to violent behavior as well as a distraction to important things such as school. I defiantly believe that video games should be played in a limit and only to get your mind off the reality such as education.

5. I don't usually play video games but their are times where i don't have anything to do and like to play childhood games that make me happy. Some of my favorite games that i play is super Mario bros  on the intend and Mario cart on the wii, i don't think i have a addiction just because i only play it if it either a long weekend or i don't have school at all. A good example would be over the summer break, i think its fun to get my mind off other things and just have fun.

6.  I think that my friends for the most part don't usually play video games or aren't interested but i have seen some of the one their phone playing games such as cross roads. I defiantly have cousins and relatives who can't get their eyes off the screen but for the most part no friends.

7.  According to the article some solutions are informing parents about their kids addiction and allowing them to put a limit on the controller or game. The article also mentioned trying to limit the screen but if you have an addiction that could be a challenge, i think the most effective solution would be if parents played a role in the addictions.
